Of the many canards that
opponents of the Flathead water compact love to trot out, the most bizarre may
be the utterly false claim that the compact has been overturned in the courts on
the grounds that it is unconstitutional.
Here, for example, we have Lloyd Ingraham, an attorney who should know better, claiming in a letter to the Missoulian that the whole compact is “void” because it was declared so by a Lake County district court. Or take this post by Catherine Vandemoer, watershed consultant and principal mouthpiece for the Concerned Citizens of Western Montana, alleging that the same district court ruling held that an important piece of the compact constituted an “unconstitutional taking [of water rights] without compensation,” and that the ruling is still the law of the land because of the Montana Supreme Court’s “failure” to overturn it.*
The outcome of the court case that Ingraham and Vandemoer are talking about here is not at all what they claim it is, but this all gets a little complicated, so bear with me.
Here, for example, we have Lloyd Ingraham, an attorney who should know better, claiming in a letter to the Missoulian that the whole compact is “void” because it was declared so by a Lake County district court. Or take this post by Catherine Vandemoer, watershed consultant and principal mouthpiece for the Concerned Citizens of Western Montana, alleging that the same district court ruling held that an important piece of the compact constituted an “unconstitutional taking [of water rights] without compensation,” and that the ruling is still the law of the land because of the Montana Supreme Court’s “failure” to overturn it.*
The outcome of the court case that Ingraham and Vandemoer are talking about here is not at all what they claim it is, but this all gets a little complicated, so bear with me.
Early last year, the Flathead
Joint Board of Control, which represented irrigators served by the Flathead
Indian Irrigation Project, entered into a Water Use Agreement with the Tribes
and the United States. The agreement, which was to be incorporated into the
compact as an appendix, specified how water was to be fairly divvied up between
irrigation and in-stream flow on Reservation waterways. But the Western Montana
Water Users Association, a group of irrigators who didn’t like the deal, went
to court, asking Judge C. B. McNeil to rule that under Montana law, the Joint
Board could not execute the agreement without first submitting it to a vote of all
the affected irrigators.
McNeil quickly ruled in the Water
Users favor, temporarily blocking the Joint Board from moving forward with the
agreement, and asked the board to explain why it shouldn’t be required to hold
a vote of the irrigators. So the Joint Board went back to court to do exactly
that: explain at a hearing why Montana law did not require a ratification vote.
The Tribes and the Water Rights Compact Commission both filed amicus briefs supporting
that position.
Following that hearing McNeil made the ruling that Vandemoer, Ingraham and a bunch of other compact
opponents are now hanging their hats on. McNeil said that the question of
whether a vote was required was moot, because the Joint Board, when it entered
into the WUA, had exceeded its authority and had taken private water rights
from irrigators without compensation.
McNeil’s ruling was stunning,
because it came out of the clear blue sky. Nobody, at any point, had ever
raised the issue or presented any argument at all regarding who had what water
rights, let alone whether any rights had been taken. So the Joint Board
appealed to the Montana Supreme Court, which in short order unanimously vacated
McNeil’s ruling. Justice Brian Morris wrote the court’s opinion, which you can
read here.
What Morris said on behalf of the court was that McNeil’s injunction of the WUA was not properly granted because
it was based on the question of takings, which had never been raised or argued
in the district court. McNeil, in short, had decided a question that nobody had
asked, and the Supreme Court said that he couldn’t do that. And here’s where the
mischief starts: because the court didn’t explicitly say that McNeil decided
the takings issue incorrectly, Vandemoer concludes that it “failed to overturn”
McNeil. But given that the court did explicitly vacate McNeil’s decision in its
entirety – including the injunction and writ of prohibition based on the
takings theory – Vandemoer is engaging here in what might most charitably be considered
a semantic sleight of hand. The court also said in no uncertain terms that
McNeil had absolutely no basis for reaching the conclusion he did and that “no
grounds exist for [the district court’s] conclusion that the Water Use
Agreement will take away those water rights.”
So that’s it: there is one, and
only one, court decision holding that the Water Use Agreement (not, as Ingraham
would have it, the compact itself) creates an unconstitutional taking of
private property. And that one decision has been tossed out and held by the
Supreme Court of the state to be groundless.
But compact opponents – including some of my colleagues in the Legislature – run
around telling anyone who will listen that the compact has been ruled
unconstitutional, and to hell with the facts.
* Vandemoer’s odd and disturbing views are not confined to legal matters. The Montana Cowgirl, who somehow found the patience to dig around in her blog (drkatesview), posted that Vandemoer is also a birther who believes that the New World Order is “flooding the world with poison rain” and that climate change is the result of some mysterious and nefarious effort to modify the weather. One of Vandemoer’s recent posts is a video, which she describes as “essential history important to every American,” of a speech by one Eustace Mullins, a protégé of Ezra Pound, claiming that the Holocaust and the establishment of the Federal Reserve were both Zionist plots.There's even more from the Cowgirl on Vandemoer here.
* Vandemoer’s odd and disturbing views are not confined to legal matters. The Montana Cowgirl, who somehow found the patience to dig around in her blog (drkatesview), posted that Vandemoer is also a birther who believes that the New World Order is “flooding the world with poison rain” and that climate change is the result of some mysterious and nefarious effort to modify the weather. One of Vandemoer’s recent posts is a video, which she describes as “essential history important to every American,” of a speech by one Eustace Mullins, a protégé of Ezra Pound, claiming that the Holocaust and the establishment of the Federal Reserve were both Zionist plots.There's even more from the Cowgirl on Vandemoer here.