You’ve got to feel sorry for
Debby Barrett. She just can’t get no respect.
Barrett, who is (a) President of
the Montana Senate and (b) just to be clear, not me, is all bent out of shape
by the fact that proponents of the Flathead water compact have asked the legislature
not to amend the agreement and to ratify it as is. Writing in the Missoulian
she claims that this request – to not amend - is arrogant, disrespectful and “an
insult to the constitutional role of the Legislature.” This is simply
Back when the 1979 Legislature formed
the Reserved Water Rights Compact Commission, it recognized that in attempting
to adjudicate all the water rights in the state, it was inevitable that Federal
and tribal claims would come into sharp conflict with the state based claims of
Montana’s farmers, ranchers, businesses and households. And rather than
consigning those conflicting claims to endless, costly and divisive litigation,
the Legislature told the commission to go out, sit at the table with tribes and
Federal agencies, and come back with negotiated settlements. I’ll say it again:
the Legislature explicitly wanted negotiated settlements.
What the Legislature presumably
understood, and Barrett apparently does not, is that a negotiated settlement is
a voluntary agreement between two or more parties. Opening up a settlement and
changing its terms can only happen if all the parties agree to make it so; it
simply can’t be changed unilaterally from one side of the table. That’s a
fact the Legislature must face: it can amend the compact if it wants, but if it
does, there’s no longer a voluntary agreement. Barrett, and other compact
opponents, apparently want the impossible: an agreement that only they will
agree to! It’s sort of like one hand clapping.
Barrett claims that “other
proposed compacts have not been thrust on …the Legislature with such arrogance
and disrespect.” You’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t agree
with this claim, but suffice it to say that the commission has always informed
the Legislature that if a proposed compact were amended, there would be no
guarantee - and certainly no requirement - that the amended settlement would be
accepted by the other parties. That is simply reality, and there is nothing
arrogant or disrespectful about pointing it out.
Even if it can’t, or shouldn’t, amend
the compact, it is important to remember that the Legislature has played an
active role in its negotiation. Four legislators, including Barrett (and, full
disclosure, me) serve on the compact commission and have had ample opportunity
to contribute constructively to the settlement. And for the past two years, the
Water Policy Interim Committee has conducted numerous hearings on and studies
of the compact and made recommendations to the commission for changes that have
largely been incorporated into the agreement.
Barrett also claims – and this
canard is popular with other opponents – that the CSKT are “threatening” the
state with litigation if the compact is not approved. And indeed, the Tribes
will file claims in the Water Court and pursue those claims if compact ratification
fails. But let’s get this straight: it was the state that invited the CSKT to
the table in order to avoid the litigation that the Tribes would otherwise, by
law, have had to pursue in order to have their water rights adjudicated. The
state cannot now walk away from the settlement reached at that table and
complain that it is being threatened when the CSKT resort to the only remedy available to them.
Barrett resents the fact that she has been presented with what she thinks is a “take it or leave it”
deal. But the irony is that that is apparently exactly what Barrett and other compact
opponents intend – arrogantly and disrespectfully - to offer to the Tribes: a
compact which they have amended to their liking and which the Tribes are
apparently expected to agree to without consultation, question or legal
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